Have you ever heard quotes like “learn – unlearn – relearn”? Or “brands will have to close all their stores and digitalize their B2C-strategy”?
While the first one may have a deeper meaning – you have to understand that this is a destilate of probably decades worth of experience. It is a jedi-master-level quote that is dangerous to adapt as a young padawan. Because you do not know what that really means. It is not always a good idea to unlearn and relearn because in there is something important called experience that has it’s value, too.
The second one is a typical statement of a service provider who wants to sell his services to branded manufacturers. While there is some truth to the quote, there is also a great amount of generalization implied. First of all, not all manufacturers produce consumer goods and second a lot of them are in the multi-tier sales structure (B2B2C): they sell for example to wholesalers and not necessarily directly to end-consumers. This guys motivation is just to create a fall sense of urgency that you buy fast.
So what should you believe in? Simple: in yourself, in your business, in your numbers.